
lunes, 29 de junio de 2015

First World Problem (Part 3)

Fifth Activity:
i)      What are the problems in the video that could never happen to us?
  • Problems with the laptop battery
  • Organic milk
  • Private school teacher
  • Killing a spider with a dollar because I didn’t have a tissue. Edited by, Geoconda Toala

Retrieved from: Aka, M. (2013). First world problems . June 21, 2015, de Theberry Sitio web:

First World Problem (Part 2)

Third Activity:

Watch “ the First World  Problems Rap” Available on

i)      What is the rap about? What is the subject matter?
First world problems rap
  • His fridge is so full he has to reach a way back
  • His laptop battery is low but the charger is far away.

ii)   What is the mood like?
Answer: The mood is a kind of happy

iii)What does the little mean?
           Answer: Problems that first world countries presents       Edited by, Eveline Culqui
Retrieved from: Aka, M. (2013). First world problems . June 21, 2015, de Theberry Sitio web:

Fourth Activity:
Play the rap again, but this time close your eyes and focus on listening to the words.
i)      Are you able to follow the language used? Why/why not?
Answer: Ideas are so popular, most of the times can be identified, so yes we can understand them. great  work

           ii)   What is the language like? How familiar are you with the vocabulary and expressions used?
Answer:Language is informal and a sort of difficult to understand at first, we are not so close familiar to it because the rap shows idiomatic expressions or linked words that once sung are difficult to get up.

iii)What is the rhythm like? Are you able to rap it?
Answer:  Rhythm is so fast that most of the times is difficult to understand, so tap it out is eventually a hard work.                              Edited by, David Villacreses

Retrieved from: Aka, M. (2013). First world problems . June 21, 2015, de Theberry Sitio web:

First World Problem

First Activity:
i)   What First World Problems means?
Answer: Stereotypes among society and the most important: lost of self confidence
ii)   What is the difference between First and Third world countries?
Answer:  Economical and political situation .

Second Activity:

i)      What are the problems in the video?
 Problems according to the video shown:
  • A lot of pressure
  • So much attention paid on them
  • Waste of money on electronical devices
  • They do not know what to do with the thing they have.
  • Temperature of the air conditioner
  • They do have to keep an important image.
  • Not too much likes on their facebook’s status
  • More trips to buy what they want.
  • The new iphone doesn`t fix on their skinny jeans.
  • Girls does have to cover up everyday to keep an image.
  • No milk for their breakfast
  • They do more than 2 trips for taking the store’s bags
.Helping kit: A bridge, a straw and a full cup with a cover

ii)    What are FWP Helping Kit?
  • A Bridge
  • A Straw
  • A cover                                                                                               

Retrieved from: Aka, M. (2013). First world problems . June 21, 2015, de Theberry Sitio web: